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03-15-10 Amended
Commission on Aging
Amended Minutes of Regular Meeting
Monday, March 15, 2010

The Commission on Aging held a regular meeting on Monday, March 15, 2010 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Thomas Dwyer,  Karin Aurelia, James Bernardi,  LeReine Frampton, Norma Gray, Carol Mattegat, Joan Plouffe, Edward Rees, Barbara Wadleigh, Anna Wiedemann. EXCUSED/ABSENT: Mary Ellen Lydem. ALSO PRESENT:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services, First Selectman Pat Llodra, about fifteen members of public.

PRESENTATION BY AND DISCUSSION WITH FIRST SELECTMAN PAT LLODRA CONCERNING POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF THE SENIOR CENTER IN THE FUTURE. First Selectman Llodra explained that any relocation of the Senior Center would be years out. She said that if the Police Department relocates to a new building she is looking for the best use of their present building and noted that this may not be the right building for the Senior Center. She said that a Build Out Study completed recently noted that in 2010 Newtown has 2,822 seniors (ages 65 and over) and in 2030 will have 5,53l, or double the present number (Planimetrics Population Report, Attachment A). She said that if this is not the right building for the seniors, how will we address the needs of the seniors?


Bob Sharpe believes that the Police Department is a smaller building than this one. Also, the police building would need a new kitchen and an elevator. The traffic is not great there. First Selectman Llodra said that those building matters would be taken care of.

Rose Lindemark, 29 Wills Road, asked where would there be more parking? Also stairs would be an issue. She feels that the building would be ideal for the children who would have access to the theater among other things. First Selectman Llodra said that there could be site modifications for parking and that use of the building by the children should be on the table too.

John Aurelia, 83 Castle Hill Road,  said that it is admirable of First Selectman Llodra to include the seniors in plotting their future as they have not been included thus far He said that there should be a committee of seniors for this purpose.

Barbara Wadleigh asked what is the age of the building? We should look into grants for building a senior center. First Selectman Llodra noted that so much is resource dependent. We need to consider the burden to the taxpayers as well as the needs of the seniors.

Ed Rees noted that a few years ago the Commission on Aging had drawings prepared for a 16,000 square foot building based on the Shelton Senior Center. He said that the drawings were given to the then First Selectman and to the Director of Public Works. He noted that the Shelton Senior Center received a $17,000 energy efficiency grant from CL&P. He said that when using older facilities, it must be kept in mind that the building must meet ADA requirements. He said that he has been told that these drawings can no longer be located. Mrs. Llodra is not aware of their location.

A resident asked what if the Childrens Adventure Center went to the police building and the Senior Center stayed here and occupied the entire building? First Selectman Llodra noted that this type of open discussion needs to take place.

Terry Curran, 4 Hillcrest Drive, said that we should have this whole building and asked why it was never mentioned to have the Childrens Adventure Center move out. First Selectman Llodra replied that she does not know. She noted that the Childrens Adventure Center is an agency program, not a Town program and that it  was funded half by State money. She said that the land was given to the Children’s Adventure Center and that the Senior Center was an added concept.

John Aurelia disagreed and stated that there was a 50% grant for the Senior Center. He said that the Town picked up the rest for the Childrens Adventure Center. First Selectman Llodra replied that she is not sure that this is correct. She further noted that we need to do what is best for both the Childrens Adventure Center and the Senior Center.

Ed Rees said that the Commission on Aging was advised that they could not ask for anything until they were in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). He said that we are in the CIP and had asked that a building in Fairfield Hills be earmarked for a Senior Center. He said that that building is useless but the Commission on Aging was looking at the footprint of that building. He said that the Commission on Aging did not get a firm commitment from that First Selectman for that plot of land and that we are still interested in that space. First Selectman Llodra noted that soon the Fairfield Hills Master Plan will be reviewed and be sure to discuss  with that group if  the Commission on Aging wants land or an existing building. She also noted that in the next few months a group will be formed to look at the needs of groups in Town and uses of Town buildings.

At this time First Selectman Llodra left the meeting.

CORRESPONDENCE AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. Mr. Dwyer noted that the regional Commissions on Aging will have a meeting on May 8 and he encouraged Commission members to attend.

MINUTES  Mr. Dwyer noted that he was planning to attend the Freedom of Information Seminar on March 11 but was unable to attend. Upon motion of Mr. Bernardi, the minutes of the regular meeting of  February 22, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

TREASURER’S REPORT (Attachment B). Mrs. Aurelia reported that the current balance in the Gift Fund is $38,437.70 and the Trip Account $2,083.00. Also $3,025.00 was added back into Operating Expenses as the Finance Department incorrectly charged the Christmas Party to this account instead of GL 172. The Treasurer’s Report was unanimously accepted as presented.

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT (Attachment C). Mrs. Frampton will use one of her buses for a trip during school vacation and noted that she does not charge the seniors for use of the bus. Mrs. Place noted that the Newsletter is on the town website.

DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL SERVICES/MUNICIPAL AGENT REPORT. There was no report as Ms. Piccini was not present.

TRIAD. The next meeting will be in the fall.


SENIOR CENTER EXPANSION. Mrs. Aurelia reported that Public Works Director Fred Hurley said that the contract does not call for a starting date and that the contractor has not returned his calls. Mr. Hurley feels that the contractor laid off his crew and plans to rehire them when there is more work. Mrs. Aurelia will follow up on this matter this week.  

NEW BUILDING. This was discussed earlier with First Selectman Llodra.

GIFT FUND. Mr. Dwyer distributed a draft of wording to clarify in the bylaws the use of the Gift Fund. He asked the Commission to reflect for the next meeting whether to define the use of the Gift Fund or to leave the definition as is as each item is voted on an ad hoc basis by the Commission.  

NEW BUSINESS. Mr. Dwyer distributed an updated Commission on Aging contact list.

ADJOURNMENT. Upon motion of Mrs. Mattegat, the meeting adjourned at  5:57 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk